
The culinary atelier was so much fun! You learn everything from where our food comes from, to how to cook it in many different ways and recipes. The San Francisco excursions were so much fun, and I’ll definitely be going back to them with my family! Chef is a great teacher because shes makes everything clear and she is very informative. I would reccomemd this camp to anyone who enjoys making, and of course eating food!  -Tatum V. age 14

I had the best time ever at Culinary Atelier! I learned so much about where our food comes from and sustainable,local food. I had so much fun meeting and getting to know the other students and by the end we were all great friends! The food was delicious and I can’t wait to use the skills I learned this week at home! -Sarah E. age 14

I really enjoyed my week at Chef Kellie’s culinary atelier! I experienced so many new foods and new cooking techniques that will last me a lifetime. It was fun meeting new people and trying new things! I learned a lot about where the food we eat comes from and how it is prepared. It was fun and interesting to also go behind the scenes at some of the restaurants and learn about how they cook and prepare their food. Overall I really enjoyed my time with Chef Kellie and the other students! Casey G, age 15

The Culinary Atelier is such a fun, educational program. I came into the camp not knowing how to do anything, and now I can make Deviled Eggs! I made lots of friends, and ate awesome food. Chef Kellie is such a great teacher, I couldn’t have learned how to cook without her! -Corrina, 14

I would like to share my gratitude and appreciation for Kellie’s cooking class for my daughter and I.  I’m a single hard working Mom who never really has time to cook and learn new things in the kitchen. There is a part of me that feels like that part of the Mother daughter experience did not ever really get to happen when it comes to cooking as a family!!! Thanks to Chef Kellie, she was able to share practical healthy meal choices and guide us through each ingredient in a way that could be applied in my daily busy life. My daughter and I are now educated on the knife selections, the proper way to cut, chop & dice!! Not only was the class fun, but eating together at the end was the icing on the cake!! The food was delicious and very healthy!! Thank you so much for giving us a memory that we can apply to our daily lives and one that we will always hold dear to our heart!!   Many Thanks,  Jennifer F ( Gianna’s Mom)

My daughter and her grandmother took a cooking class with Chef Kellie.  My daughter came home enthusiastic, confident and educated.  I would sincerely recommend Chef Kellie’s classes.  Sara E. (Sadie’s Mom)